Patch #5: Here’s The Stitch

Hello and welcome back! It’s been a while, but I’ve returned and I’m ready to start sharing again. College really has been taking up most of my time, not to mention threw me in for a loop, but I’ve got lots that I’m eager to share with you all. 🙂 Let’s dive in.

First off, Happy New Year! Who would have ever thought we’d make it to the year 2020?! End of a decade, and beginning of a new one…did you achieve all your resolutions from this past year? Did you already make your new ones? This past year definitely presented a lot of challenges for me as I’m sure it did for some of you all as well. As of now, I’m changing gears and trying to look forward instead of behind me.

This year I’ve decided to, more than anything, practice self-care. Don’t get me wrong, I’m always going to be the kind of person who’s always there for my friends, but I’ve recently been reminded that you can’t begin to love and care for others, without loving and taking care of yourself first. This concept has always been something I’ve known about, but I never really knew just how much it can affect daily life if you aren’t taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Here’s the thing: It’s not that complicated to begin to do! From jotting stuff down in a positivity journal to going on daily walks, it is absolutely insane just how big of a difference that can make! I understand that sometimes our lives get so crazy that it feels like there’s just no time for “extra” stuff like that, but if you start off small by sparing a few minutes, you’ll begin to notice that your seemingly “crazy” life will begin to calm down and become just a little more bearable. Then maybe in a week, you try spending an hour or two a day taking care of yourself by going to a park or even by staying indoors and laughing while watching your favorite movie. Doing simple things like this goes a looooong way for self-care, but one of the most important things to remember to do is just BREATHE. It’s YOUR life. What’s the point in living through the busy hustle and bustle if you aren’t enjoying yourself? If you are not even attempting to be the BEST version of yourself?

Try it out at least for a week, I mean it. Go out and get yourself a cup of coffee, go shop and treat yourself to something nice, do SOMETHING this week for yourself. It’s so important…and if you want more ideas of things to do or you want to talk more about the affects of self-care, reach out to me. Leave me a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

This is our year, guys. And I look forward to sharing it with you all. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Patch #5: Here’s The Stitch

  1. Love it!! Glad you are making changes! We all need to stay positive n focused! Keep looking for the good in everything, even when the clouds cover the sun! ❤️


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